Presentation Topics

General Genealogy Programs:

Organize Your Genealogy: Using Old and New Technology

Get organized and learn a method to become more successful in your genealogical research. Be able to retrieve your data and analyze your data faster. Learn a technique that saves your research in a format that your family can read and will not be thrown out later. With the explosion in the use of computers and online databases, this is a must-see program to add to your genealogy skills.

Writing Your Family History for the Nonwriter

Were your ancestors royalty or members of the working class? Were they rich or barely surviving? Whoever they were, we need to preserve their memory. The program will discuss a process and format that makes transforming your research efforts into a written family history easier. Learn a method to easily save your information and tips to help them “come alive.” If we do not preserve the memories and stories of our ancestors for future generations, who will?

DNA and Genealogy Research: Simplified

DNA testing has become a popular topic among professional genealogists and everyday family researchers. This program will discuss the different DNA tests and the reasons to take each type. It will also compare the major testing companies. DNA can be a powerful genealogical tool. Learn to use your genealogy skills to unravel the mysteries of your DNA results. A scientific degree is not required.

Finding my Biological Father: a DNA and Genealogy Case Study

My DNA results did not match the paper trail and eventually proved that my mother took a secret to her grave. My biological father was not the father I grew with and no one was alive that could tell me who? I solved the mystery and now have another family tree with its share of new family stories. Join me as I describe how I used DNA and traditional genealogy tools to find my new family. How would you react if you found you had a secret family?

Beyond the Basics: Hints to solve your brick walls

The program reviews various search tips that have proven successful for finding those difficult documents. Learn techniques to solve your brick walls and overcome problems with the spelling of names, lost records, and unknown parents.

Census Records – Go Beyond the Names and Put Meat on the Bones of Your Ancestors

Census records are snapshots of your ancestors. Learn what information is available and learn new methods to use them to enrich your family history.

European Research Genealogy Programs:

Immigration to America (series) – When, Where, Why and How

When did your ancestors immigrate, where did they leave, why did they leave, how did they get here? These are questions we all hope to find the answers. Each presentation studies the history of one country and how its history affected the immigration of our ancestors. These four programs should give some insights into the immigration of our ancestors. The material will hopefully clear up your confusion about where and why your ancestors left. At this time, I offer four programs focusing on the four ethnicities:

  • Irish Immigration to America – When, Where, Why, and How
  • Polish Immigration to America – When, Where, Why, and How
  • German Immigration to America – When, Where, Why, and How
  • Czech and Slovak Immigration to America – When, Where, Why, and How

Polish Genealogy – Find the Polish Records

Where do you start your research of your Polish Ancestors? Finding your Polish ancestors is a challenge. This presentation simplifies the confusing elements of Polish research: border changes that confuse us on where our ancestors were born. Logical steps are given on how to search for Polish documents, where to find Polish documents, and translating Polish documents. This material will jump-start your research and help you enjoy your Polish Heritage.

Czech and Slovak Genealogy: Find the Czech and Slovak RecordsFinding your Czech and Slovak ancestors can challenge your research skills. This presentation simplifies the confusing elements of finding European records. The material will outline simple steps that will help where to look and review translating aids for reading the documents.

One Response to Presentation Topics

  1. Debra K Gonzalez says:

    Hi Steve, how do i access the presentation topics or do you have a calendar of where the events will be? I need lots of help on Polish ancestry. Debbie Gonzalez

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